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Baileys Provider

The Baileys library originated as a project for CS-2362 at Ashoka University and is not affiliated with or endorsed by WhatsApp. Use it at your own discretion and avoid spamming individuals. We discourage the use of stalkerware, bulk messaging, or any automated messaging practices.

Baileys is a free WhatsApp provider that operates via WhatsApp Web. It interacts directly with WhatsApp Web using a WebSocket and does not require Selenium or any other browser. By avoiding Selenium or Chromium, Baileys conserves significant RAM resources.

QR Code

Link device QR Code In the code below you can see the standard way to link a device by scanning the QR code with the whatsapp application.


import { createBot, createProvider, createFlow, addKeyword } from '@builderbot/bot'
import { BaileysProvider as Provider } from '@builderbot/provider-baileys'
import { MemoryDB as Database } from '@builderbot/bot'

const PORT = process.env.PORT ?? 3008

const welcomeFlow = addKeyword<Provider, Database>(['hi', 'hello', 'hola'])
    .addAnswer(`🙌 Hello welcome to this *Chatbot*`)

const main = async () => {
    const adapterFlow = createFlow([welcomeFlow])
    const adapterProvider = createProvider(Provider)
    const adapterDB = new Database()
    const { httpServer } = await createBot({
        flow: adapterFlow,
        provider: adapterProvider,
        database: adapterDB,


Pairing code

Link device pairing code, In the code below you can see the alternative way to link the whatsapp account through a pairing code.


import { createBot, createProvider, createFlow, addKeyword } from '@builderbot/bot'
import { BaileysProvider as Provider } from '@builderbot/provider-baileys'
import { MemoryDB as Database } from '@builderbot/bot'
import { config } from 'dotenv'

const PHONE_NUMBER = process.env.PHONE_NUMBER

const welcomeFlow = addKeyword<Provider, Database>(['hi', 'hello', 'hola'])
    .addAnswer(`🙌 Hello welcome to this *Chatbot*`)

const main = async () => {
    const adapterFlow = createFlow([welcomeFlow])
    const adapterProvider = createProvider(Provider, { usePairingCode: true, phoneNumber: PHONE_NUMBER })
    const adapterDB = new Database()
    const botResult = await createBot({
        flow: adapterFlow,
        provider: adapterProvider,
        database: adapterDB,


Send Presence Update

The method sendPresenceUpdate lets the person/group with id know whether you're online, offline, typing etc. This method has the following signature:

(property) sendPresenceUpdate: (type: WAPresence, toJid?: string) => Promise<void>

WAPresence can be one of the following:

type WAPresence = 'unavailable' | 'available' | 'composing' | 'recording' | 'paused'


import { createBot, createProvider, createFlow, addKeyword, EVENTS } from '@builderbot/bot'
import { MemoryDB as Database } from '@builderbot/bot'
import { BaileysProvider as Provider } from '@builderbot/provider-baileys'
import { config } from 'dotenv'

const PHONE_NUMBER = process.env.PHONE_NUMBER

const waitT = (ms: number) => {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, ms)

const welcomeFlow = addKeyword<Provider, Database>(EVENTS.WELCOME)
    .addAnswer(`💡 Example *Sending Presence Update*`)
        async (ctx, { provider, flowDynamic }) => {
            await flowDynamic('This is an example of presence update')
            await provider.vendor.sendPresenceUpdate('recording', ctx.key.remoteJid)
            await waitT(5000)
            await provider.vendor.sendPresenceUpdate('composing', ctx.key.remoteJid)
            await waitT(5000)
            await flowDynamic('Great!')

const main = async () => {
    const adapterFlow = createFlow([welcomeFlow])
    const adapterProvider = createProvider(Provider, { usePairingCode: true, phoneNumber: PHONE_NUMBER })
    const adapterDB = new Database()
    const botResult = await createBot(
            flow: adapterFlow,
            provider: adapterProvider,
            database: adapterDB,



Video Send Presence Update

Number Exists on WhatsApp

To check if an entered number exists on WhatsApp, you use the onWhatsApp method of the provider. This method has the following signature:

onWhatsApp: (...jids: string[]) => Promise<{
    exists: boolean;
    jid: string;

This method accepts one or more phone numbers (JIDs) as arguments and returns a promise that resolves to an array of objects containing the existence status (exists) and JID (jid) for each number.


import { createBot, createProvider, createFlow, addKeyword, EVENTS } from '@builderbot/bot'
import { MemoryDB as Database } from '@builderbot/bot'
import { BaileysProvider as Provider } from '@builderbot/provider-baileys'
import { config } from 'dotenv'

const PHONE_NUMBER = process.env.PHONE_NUMBER

const welcomeFlow = addKeyword<Provider, Database>(EVENTS.WELCOME)
    .addAnswer(`💡 Example *Number Exist on Whatsapp*`)
        '*Enter the number to check:*',
        { capture: true },
        async (ctx, { provider, flowDynamic }) => {
            const checkNumber = ctx.body
            try {
                const onWhats = await provider.vendor.onWhatsApp(checkNumber)
                if (onWhats[0]?.exists) {
                    await flowDynamic([`*Exists:* ${onWhats[0].exists}\n*JID:* ${onWhats[0].jid}`, `*Object:* ${JSON.stringify(onWhats, null, 6)}`])
                else {
                    await flowDynamic(`The number *${checkNumber}* does not exists on Whatsapp.`)
            } catch (error) {
                await flowDynamic(`*Error:* ${error}`);

const main = async () => {
    const adapterFlow = createFlow([welcomeFlow])
    const adapterProvider = createProvider(Provider, { usePairingCode: true, phoneNumber: PHONE_NUMBER })
    const adapterDB = new Database()
    const botResult = await createBot(
            flow: adapterFlow,
            provider: adapterProvider,
            database: adapterDB,

API Call Example

Profile Picture

The method profilePictureUrl allows us to retrieve the profile picture of a given number. This method has the following signature:

(property) profilePictureUrl: (jid: string, type?: "image" | "preview", timeoutMs?: number) => Promise<string>


import { createBot, createProvider, createFlow, addKeyword, EVENTS } from '@builderbot/bot'
import { BaileysProvider as Provider } from '@builderbot/provider-baileys'
import { MemoryDB as Database } from '@builderbot/bot'
import { config } from 'dotenv'

const PHONE_NUMBER = process.env.PHONE_NUMBER

const welcomeFlow = addKeyword<Provider, Database>(EVENTS.WELCOME)
    .addAnswer(`💡 Example *profile Picture*`)
        'Enter number to check image profile: ', { capture: true },
        async (ctx, { provider, flowDynamic, fallBack, endFlow }) => {
            const check = ctx.body + '@s.whatsapp.net'
            try {
                const imageProfile = await provider.vendor.profilePictureUrl(check.replace(/\+/g, ''), 'image', 10000)
                await flowDynamic([
                        body: '*Profile Picture:*',
                        media: imageProfile
                return endFlow('End.')
            } catch (error) {
                await flowDynamic(`Error: ${error.message}`)
                return fallBack('Try it again.')


const main = async () => {
    const adapterFlow = createFlow([welcomeFlow])
    const adapterProvider = createProvider(Provider, { usePairingCode: true, phoneNumber: PHONE_NUMBER })
    const adapterDB = new Database()
    const botResult = await createBot(
            flow: adapterFlow,
            provider: adapterProvider,
            database: adapterDB,

API Call Example

Modifying Chats

The chatModify method provides various options to modify a chat, including:

  • Archive a chat
  • Mute/unmute a chat
  • Mark a chat read/unread
  • Delete a message for me
  • Delete a chat
  • Pin/unpin a chat
  • Star/unstar a message

This method has the following signature:

(property) chatModify: (mod: ChatModification, jid: string) => Promise

Delete a message for me when the received message does not comply with my business logic rules. (Develop your own logic rules)


import { createBot, createProvider, createFlow, addKeyword, EVENTS } from '@builderbot/bot'
import { BaileysProvider as Provider } from '@builderbot/provider-baileys'
import { MemoryDB as Database } from '@builderbot/bot'
import { config } from 'dotenv'

const PHONE_NUMBER = process.env.PHONE_NUMBER

const badWords = ['fuck', 'ass hole', 'motherfucker']

const waitT = (ms: number) => {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, ms)

const welcomeFlow = addKeyword<Provider, Database>(EVENTS.WELCOME)
    .addAnswer(`💡 Example *Delete User Message:*`)
        async (ctx, { provider, flowDynamic }) => {
            const resp = ctx.body.toLocaleLowerCase()
            const containsBadWord = badWords.some(word => resp.includes(word))
            const id = ctx.key.id
            const fromMe = ctx.key.fromMe
            const timeStamp = ctx.messageTimestamp
            if (containsBadWord) {
                await flowDynamic('Your message is going to be deleted as you are sending inappropriate language.')
                await waitT(3500)
                try {
                    await provider.vendor.chatModify(
                        { clear: { messages: [{ id: id, fromMe: fromMe, timestamp: timeStamp }] } },
                    await flowDynamic(`Message deleted successfully.`)
                } catch (error) {
                    await flowDynamic(`Error: ${JSON.stringify(error, null, 3)}`)
            await flowDynamic('Welcome!')

const main = async () => {
    const adapterFlow = createFlow([welcomeFlow])
    const adapterProvider = createProvider(Provider, { usePairingCode: true, phoneNumber: PHONE_NUMBER })
    const adapterDB = new Database()
    const botResult = await createBot(
            flow: adapterFlow,
            provider: adapterProvider,
            database: adapterDB,


Delete user message

More examples

If you want to see more examples applying Baiely's functions you can check the links below

Delete Bot MessageDelete an existing message in the conversation
Blocked Users on BotBlock Whatsapp user using the provider
Fetch StatusRetrieve all whatsapp profile status information


My first chatbot

Learn how build your first chatbot in few minutes

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Understand the essential concepts for building bots

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Add Functions

The key to learning how to write flows is add-functions.

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Unlimitate and start implementing the community plugins.

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Learn how to modularise flows so that you can have a more maintainable bot.

Send Message

How to send a message via HTTP to start conversations, you can send multimedia as well.


A good practice is to dockerise your bots to make them more maintainable and effective.


Learning about events will make us more fluent when creating chatbots.